090: your energy glow up (mini series, 1 of 6)


090: your energy glow up (mini series 1 of 6)

Apple Podcasts link | Spotify Podcasts link

I am SO excited because today I am kicking off my Your Energy Glow Up, Mini Course! to help you glow up YOUR energy so you can show UP with high vibes and amazing energy to all of the things that matter to you - like your business, relationships, family!

Goodbye schlumpy energy, hello Taylor Swift/Beyonce/Wonder Woman energy!!

Over the next 6 episodes, I’ll be sharing my treasure trove of high vibe, glowed up energy habits that I’ve cultivated over the past 10+ years that have CHANGED MY LIFE and the way I am  able to show up for MYSELF and what is important to me, as an intuitive, introverted, and sensitive woman and entrepreneur!

If you want to follow along and receive access to this free mini course membership area, where these audios will be uploaded along with the journal prompts that go with these audios, you can sign up for free at bit.ly/energyglowup. I highly highly recommend you do that right now, open up a browser and sign up because there are prompts to complete there that I won’t be covering in the podcast episode. Click on the logo below to get yourself signed up!


Mona Lisa Ondevilla