096: From Awkward to Aligned: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome


096: From Awkward to Aligned: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

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I’m drawing back the curtain and getting real about something we all face—those super awkward, uncomfortable moments when you’re first stepping into a new role as a heart-centered entrepreneur and it straight up feels wrong still - like you’re a fake, or pretending to be something you’re not (yet).

I’m sharing my own journey of feeling like a total newbie and fraud, and how I eventually turned that awkwardness into confidence. If you’ve ever wondered how to go from feeling like an imposter to fully owning your role and serving your ideal clients with ease, this episode is for you. This episode is about learning to powerfully shift your identity so that you can step into your power, and do the beautiful work you were meant for! Your future clients are waiting for you, beauty!


Mona Lisa Ondevilla