IT 009: 3 Words That Will Change Your Life (Hint: It’s NOT “I Love You”)
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Today, I am so excited to introduce the topic of core-desired feelings (or CDFs) to you. If you’ve been in my world, you’ve heard me reference CDFS a lot, or even mention my own CDFs.
The term Core Desired Feeling was coined from the Desire Map, a holistic life-planning book written by one of my mentors, Danielle LaPorte, that has completely changed my life.
But before I get into my story, let me tell you who can benefit from uncovering their own CDFs and living a Desire Map-centered life.
Desire Mapping is for you if...
Followed the map to success, and achieved a good amount of it, but still feel like there’s something more. You’re searching for this elusive sense of happiness, but don’t know how to get there, and you might even feel guilty for searching – like you’re betraying those you love.
You feel stuck in your life. You know what you want, but find it difficult to scrounge up the energy and time to make your dream life happen. But deep down, you know you can’t settle for less than what you know you’re capable of.
You love the idea of following a spiritual practice, but can’t seem to make anything stick. You desire to feel more present and alive in your life and body, to fully show up, but for whatever reason, you can’t keep up a regular meditation practice, yoga practice, gratitude practice, tapping practice, etc. You’re familiar with spiritual terms, but need guidance, and a solid plan – you love planning!
Lastly, The Desire Map is for you if you feel stuck in your life but don’t know exactly what you want, but you know one thing – that you simply want to be happy.
If you resonate with any of the above statements, I guarantee that a firm commitment to Desire Mapping can change your life.
I Was A Hot Mess Before The Desire Map
Before the Desire Map, I was struggling with a lot of pain – the pain of not knowing exactly what I wanted to do, but knowing that I wanted to make a difference. The pain of being newly married, feeling like I wanted to run away and leave responsibility behind to discover myself again. Today, I have a business doing what I love to do, and my hubby is my partner in making it all happen. I’ve never felt happier and more aligned.

Click to Tweet: "Happier women who are aligned with their purpose will fill the world with more light and happiness. @mlondevilla #lightworker"
Download the Desire Map 101 - Free One Page Resource Guide!
Click Here to Download The Desire Map 101: Resource Guide
Now, I’d love for you to begin exploring Core Desired Feelings and The Desire Map for yourself. I can’t get into all of it now, or we’d be here forever, so I made a free one-page resource guide, Desire Map 101, for you.