IT 013: A Letter For You, From My Heart – My Most Personal Podcast Yet
I’m excited for you to tune into today’s Podcast. I felt especially called this week to speak straight from my heart, to write an open, real, and raw letter especially for you.
No tips, how-to’s, or steps this week (don’t worry, they’ll be back next week).
Click here for today's Podcast on iTunes. Click here to listen to it right here on my website.
My intention for today’s Podcast is to send you a warm blanket of unconditional love, support and inspiration straight from my heart. For you to come back to anytime you need it.
Because I’ve heard and witnessed so many of you beautiful women suffering – so many of you feel alone, lost, and without purpose.
So check it out on iTunes here, or click here to listen to it on my website. Or read the transcript below.
So many of you feel hopeless. You feel trapped, stuck, and ashamed. You need more money – money for abundance, happiness, and freedom. Money - so you don’t have to always look at the prices before you buy.
You want to feel healthy – you want to lose 25 lbs, and keep it off, for good this time. To be honest, you feel fat, and you feel ashamed of it.
You’re stuck. You’re stuck in a job, a relationship, a situation that is no longer serving you. And you don’t know what to do.
You just know you want more. You need more. Travel. Love. Money. Health. To be seen. To help other women. To feel sexy and free.
To experience life at the level you know you’re meant to live it.
But you don’t know how.
And so today, I want to tell you exactly what I wish someone had told me when I was there, which wasn’t too long ago.
You are enough. Just as you are. You are loved. Just as you are.
You’re on a journey and there is a way out – you’ve been called to help others, and this is your rite of passage – your suffering is temporary and will help you relate to those you can serve.
You will rise, and when you do, there will be no stopping you. Keep on trusting the Universe, and prepare for what’s next. Cry – cry a lot. Let it out so your tears will longer poison you.
What do you need to sacrifice? What do you need to let go of, leave behind, in order to move forward? What are you still clinging on to? Let go to move forward. It’s safe for you.
Your desires aren’t random. They were planted in you for the purpose of being realized. The Universe lives through you, in you, and wants to experience everything you desire, through you.
You are beautiful. You are loved, and you are not alone. I’m with you. I am you. I don’t care if you’ve never met me, if we’re not spoken directly. I love you, and I am here to remind you of your light. To mirror what you know is hidden of you.
You will change. Something will happen that will make it too painful for you to stay where you are. And when that happens – thank the Universe. It’s over. It’ll be time for your ascent, for the world to finally meet you.
And the world will celebrate you.
What do you want?
Who do you want to be?
Love. I want love. I want to be loved, I want to feel love, and I want to love. It’s really that simple.
CLICK TO TWEET: Everything that expands you will expand the Universe.
Don’t keep yourself down – don’t let us down.
Keep on going. Rest.
You want to succeed? The only way to do this, to really, truly, deeply succeed, is to leave behind your negative thoughts and replace them with love.
This is the only way.
Get quiet enough to listen. Make this a priority.
Awareness comes before everything. You already know what to do.
What are your thoughts manifesting?
What do you have to let go of?
What do you have to receive?
Whenever you’re lost, in despair, and think – this is bullshit. When you’re ready to throw in the towel.